Snapped after a field trip. I told them they looked like Charlie’s Angels, and I caught them all laughing. Probably wondering, “Charlie’s what…?”
Our 2012 Interns – a capable, fabulous bunch! Welcome Emma, Naomi, Hailey and Matt (not pictured).
We erected the new shade structure for our educational activities at Thistle Whistle last Sunday. The morning was kind of a head-scratcher because I ordered a 24×30, but they sent a 24×36. I won’t complain about the extra square footage, but we got off to a slow start. Then we discovered we were short one purlin, only after trying to use it as the main adjoining support. In a particularly alarming moment I caught Hailey climbing up an unidentified tall piece of farm debris with a 10′ knife in her hand to cut down the old shade cloth. It was hot, it was funny, but we got it done. But not in the 1.5 hours set-up time that the brochure promised…